Separation distances - Suburbs, Rural and Villages, Green Belt and River Valleys
Belongs to
This rule is defined in the Trafford design code
Design code rule details
- Reference
- trafford-design-code-AEP-4
- Name
- Separation distances - Suburbs, Rural and Villages, Green Belt and River Valleys
- Description
- In existing areas, the layout of apartments must ensure that privacy and amenity standards for occupiers and residents of existing developments is safeguarded. The following separation distances must be provided between major facing windows across private gardens and between apartment blocks: Up to 2 storey – 24 metres; 3 to 4 storey – 27 metres; 5+ storey – 30 metres. Applies to: Suburbs, Rural and Villages, Green Belt and River Valleys.
- Categories
- Organisation
- local-authority:TRF
- Document URL
- Documentation URL
Design code areas
No specific areas provided.
So rule COULD apply to any area found in the Trafford design code.