Healthy Streets for Surrey
Design code details
- Reference
- healthy-street-for-surrey
- Name
- Healthy Streets for Surrey
- Description
- Healthy Streets for Surrey raises the standard of street design, creating streets which are safe, green, beautiful, and resilient in line with the ambitions of Community Vision for Surrey 2030
- Organisation
- Surrey County Council
- Design code status
- adopted
- Document URL
- Documentation URL
Design code rules
There are 86 rules in this Design Code
20-minute neighbourhoods
Categories: street-network
20mph streets
Categories: street-network, inclusive-streets
Accessibility considerations
Categories: inclusive-streets
Adoption and planting
Categories: street-trees
Adoption considerations
Categories: suds
Appropriate tree planting locations
Categories: street-trees
Artwork on Crossings
Categories: public-art, junctions-crossings
Bus route design
Categories: public-transport
Bus service provision, funding and maintenance
Categories: public-transport
Bus stop design
Categories: public-transport
Bus stop location
Categories: public-transport
Bus stop technical specifications
Categories: public-transport
Carriageway vision
Categories: street-network, local-character
Carriageway widths and tracking (swept path analysis)
Categories: street-network, street-hierarchy
Character and Local Context
Categories: local-character
Choice of SuDS for Streets
Categories: suds
Connectivity and thinking ‘beyond the red line’
Categories: street-network
Continuous level surface streets
Categories: walking, inclusive-streets
Continuous pavements (often called Copenhagen crossings)
Categories: walking, inclusive-streets
Creating a Cycle Network
Categories: cycling
Creating a street network
Categories: street-network, street-hierarchy
Categories: street-network, inclusive-streets
Cycle Crossings
Categories: junctions-crossings, cycling
Cycle Lanes at Bus Stops
Categories: cycling
Cycling at Junctions
Categories: junctions-crossings, cycling
Cycling infrastructure design considerations
Categories: cycling
Cycling Storage
Categories: cycle-parking, cycling
Cycling Vision Strategy
Categories: cycling
Design principles for SuDS in Surrey
Categories: suds, working-with-water
Drainage Materials
Categories: flood-risk
Electric Vehicle (EV) charging
Categories: car-parking
Emergency vehicles
Categories: utilities-services
EV charging equipment selection
Categories: car-parking
Exceedance and flood risk
Categories: suds, flood-risk
Existing trees and hedgerows
Categories: street-trees, biodiversity
Garages and driveways
Categories: garages, car-parking
Grass verges, shrubs and ground cover planting
Categories: biodiversity
Junction geometry and characteristics
Categories: junctions-crossings
Location of EV charger equipment
Categories: car-parking
Location of streetlights
Location of SuDS Features
Categories: suds
Materials guidance
Categories: street-network
Mobility hubs
Categories: public-transport
Off-street parking (on and off plot)
Categories: car-parking
On street and opportunity parking
Categories: car-parking
On street delivery and loading bays
Categories: servicing
Ordinary watercourses
Categories: flood-risk
Parking management and control
Categories: car-parking
Parking principles
Categories: car-parking
Parking space dimensions
Categories: car-parking
Pedestrian and cycle crossings
Categories: cycling, inclusive-streets
Pedestrian vision and strategy
Categories: walking, inclusive-streets
Permeability and walkability
Categories: street-network, inclusive-streets
Categories: street-trees
Principles of good cycling infrastructure
Categories: cycling
Protection and establishment of trees
Categories: street-trees
Rail links
Categories: public-transport
Raised Tables
Categories: inclusive-streets, junctions-crossings
Refuse collection and servicing
Categories: utilities-services
Road Markings
Categories: junctions-crossings
Safety considerations for streets with high vehicle volumes and/or speeds
Categories: inclusive-streets
Safety implications for trees and planting
Categories: street-trees
School Parking
Categories: car-parking
Selection of street tree species
Categories: street-trees, biodiversity
Staggered Junctions
Categories: junctions-crossings
Street adoption
Categories: street-network
Street furniture and signage
Categories: furniture
Street furniture, lighting and signage
Street types overview table
Categories: street-network, street-hierarchy
Street typologies
Categories: street-network, street-hierarchy
Street vision and strategy
Categories: street-network
Streets and block patterns
Categories: street-network
SuDS maintenance
Categories: suds
SuDS Management train
Categories: suds
Technical design specification for bollards
Categories: furniture
Technical design specification for signage
Categories: furniture
Technical specification for lighting
Traffic calming
Categories: street-network, inclusive-streets
Tree maintenance and adoption
Categories: street-trees
Tree pits and root volumes
Categories: street-trees
Tree planting considerations
Categories: street-trees
Turning Heads
Categories: junctions-crossings
Utilities and services
Categories: utilities-services
Utilities and trees
Categories: street-trees
Why trees are important
Categories: street-trees, biodiversity
Design code areas
This design code defines the following areas.
Area(s): healthy-street-for-surrey